Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls. We did it. We got all touristy.

Let’s be clear here. I hate crowds. I mean, unless it’s a Full Moon Party in the islands or Jouvert, I totally avoid crowds. And this dislike started well before any of this Covid 19 mess. Turns out, if you throw a pandemic on top of my general Crowd Dislike, I crawl even further inside my own personal cave. In this instance, it’s the RV. Our perfectly cozy little VW Rialta.
**For more of my thoughts on travel in this Corona Climate, check the end of this post.**
We’ve been traveling in Lolo, the RV, for weeks now. Mostly boondocking (check out our Off Grid set up here), but occasionally Moochdocking (my favorite new word) when we hit areas where friends live. What’s Moochdocking, you ask? It’s staying in someone’s driveway for free. No State Park fees, no RV parks , no crowds of random strangers – and usually a water top-off and hot shower.

Niagara Falls Park
How did we end up in Niagara Falls? We were in Annapolis, hanging out in the driveway of Cam and Jeff (aka Moochdocking), making plans for where to head next. And suddenly we realized Niagara Falls was calling.

Being SO far north, it seemed kind of silly not to go and see things that we’ve always wanted to see. But the pandemic… I got online and checked to see if the park is even open. It is. And several safety precautions are in play. We decided to go for it. After some time spent Boondocking in Target or Walmart parking lots on the way north (I know, glamorous, right? But trust me, no one bugs us or comes near us with their Covid cooties in those spots) we made it to the, well, even less glamorous city of Niagara Falls, NY.

I guess I had the advantage of having done The Covid Research, and knew that Niagara Falls is a built up city – based on a beautiful natural wonder. But still a city, and out for that tourist dollar. Mark was not so prepared. He expected a remote area full of amazing water falls. Let’s just say we didn’t hang out in the city for any length of time – but those amazing water falls were just that. Breath-takingly beautiful. They did NOT disappoint.

By Air
We took a helicopter tour! What what?!?! It was kind of spur of the moment. We were the first on the helicopter (SCORE for being the first ones of the day in the freshly sanitized, 2 passenger helicopter!) Mark grew up in the Aerospace industry and had yet to ever travel by helicopter. And, I mean, if you are EVER going to see an amazing site by chopper, I’m pretty sure Niagara Falls is the place to see. OK, and the Grand Canyon. We should totally do the Grand Canyon by helicopter.
It was a ten minute tour and the pilot did an amazing job of taking us in for various angles and views. It was truly fabulous. And well worth the stout price tag.

By Water
Ok, so we also took the boat tour. I mean, really. Are we EVER going back to Niagara Falls? Nope. Not very likely. Maybe to the Canadian side one day, when we are allowed to cross borders again. So we bit the bullet and did All The Tourist Things. And that was really fun, too! I mean, it was kind of crowded. There were too many people. We went right after the helicopter ride, just as the park was opening. But even so, it’s just almost impossible to stay 6 feet away from people on a tour boat. I think we did a pretty good job. But again, it was two adults who are very cognizant of the situation. No kids, no groups, just us. And it was a challenge. “Don’t touch the hand rail.” “Don’t lean on the wall.” “Did you wash your hands?” ” Oh, hey, there’s another sanitizing station – go, go GO!”
By Land
We also walked around for a bit after both of the tours. In all, we spent about 2 hours in the park. It. Was. Glorious. But it was also getting busy, and we decided to hit the road again.
There’s really not a lot more to say. The city is somewhat lack luster. But those falls? Niagara Falls is truly a wonder that deserves to be seen. And so here is a short Video of some of our favorite sites. And while I’m not saying you should go traveling during Covid, I will say that I’m glad we went when there were minimal crowds and people were keeping their distance. I can only imagine the craziness of a non-covid visit to Niagara Falls.
**Travel in the time of Covid 19**
While here in the NE USA, we’ve spent multiple weeks holed up in the RV (the temperatures are DREAMY) hiking, swimming, biking, etc. It has been very relaxing – and we get a GREAT night’s sleep with the windows open on these very cool nights. Especially after a hike up a mountain! But how about that pesky, life threatening Covid 19? I know, I know – Do as I say, not as I do. But let me tell you – people are coming out of the wood work.
Short Answer
It would be completely hypocritical of me to tell you to stay home. Sort of. I mean, the RV IS currently our home. You know what I’m saying. But you do you, boo.

Long, drawn out answer
Word has spread, and people are beginning to head out in droves. Sure. You can wear a mask (and we DO – and THANK YOU to all of you that are also wearing masks out in public). You can obey the lines on the pavement to stay 6 feet apart. But there are SO many people coming out now. There is absolutely NO way that germs are not going to be spread. Think about those hand rails you’re leaning on. The kids in the group in front of you that get distracted and forget to take all of their germs with them up to the next 6 ft line on the ground. Money changing hands. That one (or SEVERAL, depending on the State you’re in) Ass Hat that refuses to wear a mask. And, you know, the fact that while masks reduce the risk of spreading germs, they are, after all, just fabric – not magic. I promise you, as the numbers are showing, germs are being transmitted.
It’s Not Just About Us.
And so, after several weeks of summery bliss in the NE United States, we are heading back across the country to hunker down on our family’s property. We can get more family time in before the cruising season starts back up. And we can stay away from everyone that’s getting brave enough to get out (t)here. Safety for ourselves, but more importantly for those we come in contact with, is our priority. No one wants to spread this virus to loved ones. Or strangers.
I Miss Boat Life
There may be another post or two about our times up here, but we will be hitting the road this week to head back to our cozy little quarantine set up in Oklahoma. Great adventures have been had. Mountains have been hiked. Falls have been ogled. Waves have been boogied. But the seclusion we expected – and even enjoyed in the beginning – is becoming harder and harder to find, as everyone heads out in search of the same.
Now we head back to family. Back to our cozy routine of gardening, making family meals, playing Uno and binge watching GoT. Staying home, and away from everyone else that’s venturing out. We will hang out and enjoy a certain nephew’s birthday while we wait for access to a particular boat we’ve been eyeballing!
And we hope for this virus to die off. Or for a treatment. Or vaccine. And a return to some normalcy. Because, as much as I love this RV and our time with family, I really, REALLY miss life on the water. From there, whenever that happens, it’s off again – in a floaty little isolation pod in the Caribbean. Until then, stay safe out there! Wear your masks. Wash your hands. And we’ll see you on the water, my friends.
Starting to think about next year and maybe a jaunt to the USVI. Yep, as of now there are required tests and quarantine, but as Americans they should be open to us. Though if I’m really honest, I have a feeling the only place we’ll be cruising in 2021 is the US East coast.
Well, maybe we will finally meet up on the water for a change! Sorry we missed you guys when we were up north, but excited we are all going to be back on the water. No matter where that water may be. 😃
The Canadian side is worth the visit (when CA opens to us again) – up the road to Niagara-on-the-Lake to be more specific!! We agree, it is a total tourist trap! Not sure if you remember us-from Gautier, MS. We’re in Cleveland, OH now; if you’re headed this way, give us a shout-we’ll take you out sailing on Lake Erie on our “new to us” Islander 36.
Best, Heather & Tom
Hey Heather! We were just talking about you guys the other day. The first time we spent the night with complete strangers 🤣 But then ended up with new friends. And not murdered.
We are back in Oklahoma for now. But if we head up that way, I will let you know. We would LOVE to go for a sail and catch up since your move.