Catamaran Shopping: Let the Games Begin!
If you’ve been following along on The Socials, you know we are catamaran shopping – and hopping from state to state in search of “Our” boat. (Safely hopping – there are masks, social distancing and loads of hand washing, etc 😷 #covid)
What’s on our Wish List?
Well, here’s a crazy idea. Before I get into the boats we’ve seen so far while catamaran shopping, maybe we should start with what we’re looking for in our next boat.
Wish List – the basics
- 4 Cabin
- 2 head – with at least 1 separate shower. No more wet heads, please.
- 38 to 42 feet in length
- 2000 or newer
- Solid, well kept and seaworthy (I feel like this should go without saying… but ya know.)
- Front Loading Fridge/Freezer
- SQUARES – square cockpit, square salon. Those rounded designs sure do waste a lot of space and lack in Plopability
Wish List – Nice to Haves…
- Water Maker
- Lithium and solar array
- Dive Compressor
- Additional Refrigeration/Freezer
- Light Wind Sail
- Newer Rigging and Sails
Let the Games Begin!
Originally, we expected to head out from Oklahoma to Texas. There are typically LOADS of used catamarans in the Houston area. But as the time got closer to roll out in Lolo, the boats all disappeared…
Because of the lack of boats in Texas – and the rapidly rising temps (thanks to Covid 19 keeping us in OK longer than expected) we made the choice to head straight to the east coast. First to Brunswick, GA to check out a few boats and then straight down to Florida – the US mecca of cruising boats. Fort Lauderdale has never been one to disappoint when it comes to sheer quantity of boats for sale.
First up – Brunswick.

Ironically, after living in Savannah, GA for 20 years, and then driving halfway across the US of A, we drove right back to a town 45 minutes from Savannah. We found a 38 Maxim for sale and were intrigued. From our research, Maxims appear to be very well built and happen to fit into our budget. You KNOW we are sticklers for the budget. It doesn’t hurt that they have a very similar aesthetic to Leopard 38s, which we happen to be quite fond of .

The boat really does seem sturdy. You know, at the dock – where all smart boat decisions are made. But seriously, there were lots of hand holds, Corian counter tops throughout the salon, nice finishes and LOADS of built in storage. She was showing her age a little, but aren’t we all these days? We can over look some cracked gel coat and the need for a good wax.
What we couldn’t overlook was the fact that this is a 2 cabin 2 head layout. See Above for our desire for a 4 cabin layout. Four cabins means we can have our cabin, a storage cabin for tools (a garage, if you will) and still have 2 cabins for guests. If this were a 3 cabin, we probably could’ve made it happen. But there is just no getting around the 2 cabin layout.
If you’re single handing, or don’t like to have guests, this may be a GREAT boat for you – if she’s still on the market.
The second boat on the Catamaran Shopping List was a 2004 Lagoon 380. We just happened upon this boat while walking the docks. Which is exactly why you should always walk the docks.
This catamaran looked to be in pretty excellent shape for her age. There were a few things here and there that needed some love, but that’s the case for any boat. (Even new ones, don’t let ’em fool ya.) But one thing that seems to be a sticking point for me is the wet heads. Let’s just say I’ve squeegeed behind toilets about a million times too many. I know, I know, the majority of my showers are on the stern. But when I want a good shower, I want a good shower. And along with a couple of modifications that we didn’t love, the wet heads were just the thing that made us keep searching. Lagoon 380s are, however, now on our Potential Catamaran List.
Heading Further South
From Brunswick, we hit the road south – to New Smyrna Beach, FL. Jim and Mylene welcomed us as always (with a Gimlet!) and we squeezed in a visit before we were set to head to Melbourne to check out a 2000 Leopard 38. After all, the major reason we came back to the States was for some quality family/friend time.
At the last minute, we made the decision to head back up the coast to check out a MUCH newer Leopard 384, in Wilmington, NC. We kind of kicked ourselves later, for being so close and not looking at the boat. The 2000 model is solid (and yes, heavy) and it was in our price range. But the shiny new(er)ness of the 384 sang her siren song and we were off!

Let me just start off with the fact that we felt the newer Leopard was way over priced. Like, tens of thousands over other similar boats. So we figured we would check it out and make a lower offer.
We are SO glad we saw this model! The newer layout is so much more open. The galley is aft and connected to the cockpit. There is plenty of space for socializing. The more modern finishes appeal to both of us. The 4 cabin/2 head layout is perfect. The showers are even somewhat separate. So guess what?!? Yep, we made an offer.
Unfortunately, the offer was countered – and with so very little off the asking price that we had to laugh and walk away from the deal. Â But hey, we tried. Â And we decided we LOVE that layout. Â 38 foot boats were technically on our list, but to be honest, I really thought they would all be too small. Â So glad we got out there and crawled around on one. Â We are for sure keeping the Leopard 38’s on The List.
Family Time
From Wilmington, we headed up the coast until we got news of a family emergency. After an abrupt U-turn, we made a bee-line for Louisiana. A couple of weeks helping out and visiting and we were off again!

Following stops in Tennessee and Virginia to visit with more family and friends, we arrived in Annapolis yesterday.  Boat Show visits in the past left us craving more time to explore this city.  Naively, we thought it would be cooler here 😅  And make for pleasant night temperatures for sleeping in the RV.  Fortunately, our friends (hey Bachs!) came to the rescue again, and have let us plug into their home – so we have AC! But these hot temps also mean we’ll be pulling the plug and heading further north sooner rather than later.
What’s Next?
I’m currently trying to schedule 2 more boat viewings this week, and then we are off again! This time up to Niagara Falls – as we begin a mini-US tour to see All Things Touristy. Stay tuned for those adventures and for Catamaran Shopping : Part 2 – where we hope to announce our newest family member! (A catamaran. Not a baby/pet. Don’t get crazy.)