Boat Life

Boat Stamp and Boat Cards!

I FINALLY got around to designing/ordering/getting our Boat Cards!

Luna Sea boat cards
Here’s a view of the front and back of the cards. I love all the color!

Uh, wait a minute.  What in the world IS a boat card, you ask?  It’s kind of like a business card… Only way more fun.

As we travel around, we hope to meet all kinds of new people.  And when we do, we want to be able to keep in touch.  What better way than to pass off a card with our website, email, pictures of us, and our boat info?  We want to be able to stalk people and find all the coolest anchorages – and we want them to be able to find us again, as well.

Luna Sea boat stamp
I might be walking around randomly stamping things on the boat…

I also grabbed a personalized stamp while I was at it (Vista Print is AMAZING  at getting you to add cool things to your cart.)  Hopefully this little guy will be helpful when we are checking into countries – at least it will cut down on some of the writing.  And who doesn’t like to feel all official and junk by stamping their paperwork with their own custom stamp??

We’ve already started collecting cards from other people.  Can’t wait to run into other sailors/explorers/wanderers out there and hand out our own cards!  Do you have them?  Are they useful?  A complete waste of money?  Good for building a house of cards when we get completely tired of Uno…?  And do you have a picture of yours that you’d like to share here?  I love checking out all the unique designs people come up with!

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  1. Back in our day everyone had boat cards because no one had those darn electronics- cell phones or pads or whatever they are called now. I think a lot or cruisers still keep cards. We kept ours in a photo album, the kind with plastic sleeves. Deb kept them in order by boat name with a note of where,what,when with the owners. Most had S.D. for sundowners. Brings back memories. Ken and Deb (formerly aboard Westsail 32 Satori #223)

    1. What a fun way to keep the memories, Ken! I will have to remember that. Right now, I think we’ve only got 2 cards. But we’re about to leave this dock, so surely there are more in our future.

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